Mr. Ahearn

What Can You Do About Climate Change?


At the end of this section the students will be able to formulate idea's in which they can decrease their contribution to global climate change.

Task #1- What is your Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc. In this activity the students will use the website below to calculate their individual Carbon Footprint. They can do this at home and bring their results in to compare with the class. The class will then make a bulletin board with a graph showing the class results. As an extension activity the          students can find out the Carbon Footprint of their family members and make a visual chart to share their results.

Task#2- Backgrouder Solutions

Students will read the Backgrounder on solutions to climate change and create a list of 10 things that they can do to lessen their impact on the climate.

Task #3- Climate Change Brochure

Here is the final activity for the students to complete. The best way to solve any problem is through education. Now it is the students opportunity to educate their families, friends and community. The students will create a Brochure, Power Point, or Video to educate the public about the science, history, effects, current policy and finally what can be done. This will be the students final grade on the topic and will be scored according to this rubric.